Meadowhawk Press: Publisher of Speculative Fiction.
Meadowhawk Press was a publisher of Speculative Fiction. This was their website. Content below is from the site's 2006-2009 archived pages and other outside sources.
Meadowhawk Press' goal is to bring to the public quality fiction that characterizes integrity and hope, while offering the same ideals to its writers, vendors, and distributors.
We believe that integrity and respect are guiding principles in business.
David Walton
David Walton lives in the Philadelphia suburbs in a house safely outside the crater radius. By day, he writes Top Secret software for a large defense contractor, and by night he juggles five children, none of whom were around to see the end of the twentieth century. In the wee hours in between, he makes digital copies of his brain to do his writing for him while he sleeps. His wife reads all of his fiction and improves it immeasurably. His children can't read, but they think their Daddy is pretty great anyway.

David's short fiction has appeared in many magazines and anthologies, most notably Analog Science Fiction and Fact, Futurismic, and the Meadowhawk Press anthology Touched by Wonder. A complete list of his fiction can be found at his website, .
Elizabeth Keller
Elizabeth Keller lives in New York State. She spent two years teaching English and History in Shanghai where she also developed an uncanny ability to elbow her way onto a bus. She has taught freshman writing for two and a half years at the University of Massachusetts where she earned her Master's degree. Ms. Keller first met John Zakour about six years ago through his wife and has worked with him on two books, including Illusia.

Jackie Gamber
Jackie Gamber grew up in Michigan, communing with trees when she wasn't writing angsty teen poetry. A veteran of the USAF, she is now a gardener, a homeschooling mom, and an avid believer in leaving a green planet for her grandchildren.
Jackie is known for her tireless efforts in the pursuit of truth and knowledge as an active member of HADS (Humans Against Dragon Stereotypes). She first became sensitive to the effects of media and its misguided portrayal of dragons during the writing of her fantasy novel, Redheart. Of course there are those dragons that fall prey to a darker nature, with the occasional stealing of a cow or razing of a village, but should those violent few represent all dragonkind? She realized she could use her gift to be the voice for dragons everywhere, allowing humans to see that we have more in common with these misunderstood creatures than we realize. The human condition applies as much to them as it does us.
Jackie resides in Tennessee with her husband and two teens. She still enjoys trees and is working on the next book in the Leland Dragon Series.

About Jackie Gamber
Jackie Gamber is an award-winning writer and editor of genre-bending science fiction, fantasy, horror, and paranormal short stories, novels, and screenplays. Jackie has been a member of the professional organizations Science Fiction Writers of America and Horror Writers Association. She was named honorable mention in L. Ron Hubbard's Writers of the Future Award, received a Darrell Award for best short story by a Mid-South author, and is winner of the Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley Award for Imaginative Fiction.
During Jackie's tenure as Executive Editor of Meadowhawk Press, the indie publisher captured Science Fiction's Philip K. Dick Award. At the time, only the fourth small press to win the coveted award. Jackie also edited the award-winning benefit anthology Touched by Wonder, and has been guest editor of the acclaimed dark fiction magazine Shroud.
Jackie is also co-founder and writer/director of Big Imagine, a creative studio established to explore breakout visual fiction. Because she believes there's more than one way to tell a good story.
Visit Jackie on the world wide web at
John Zakour
John Zakour is a humor/sf/fantasy writer with an online Master's degree in Human Behavior. He has written zillions (well, thousands) of gags for syndicated comics and comedians (including: Rugrats, Grimmy, Marmaduke, Bound and Gagged, Dennis the Menace, The Tonight Show and, Joan River's TV show). John also writes his own syndicated comic, Working Daze, for United Media, which appears in papers all over the world and has a regular web following with over 50,000 readers. He also has been a regular contributor to Nickelodeon magazine writing Fairly Odd Parents, Rugrats and Jimmy Neutron comic books.

John's first humorous SF mystery, The Plutonium Blonde (DAW 2001, co-written with Larry Ganem) was named one of the top 30 SF books of 2001 by The Chronicle of Science Fiction who called it "the funniest SF book of 2001". Other novels in the series have made the Locus and SF bestseller lists. The fifth book in the series, The Blue-Haired Bombshell, will be released in December 2007 by DAW. John has also sold numerous short stories to anthologies and magazines. A comprehensive list of John's works can be found at his website.

Touched By Wonder Authors
Our Touched By Wonder Anthology showcases writing talent from around the world. From award winning to debut authors, our contributors are as impressive as their fiction.
Novel Guidelines
All manuscripts submitted must contain an element of the speculative. As a genre, speculative fiction includes: science fiction, fantasy, supernatural, alternate history, magic realism, or any combination thereof--including stories that are difficult to define. We are not interested in horror, due to our low resistance to gore and all it entails, or historical fiction in the classic sense. We do not read submissions for screenplays, poetry, mysteries, thrillers, children's, chick lit, romance, erotica or nonfiction.
Meadowhawk Press is focused on speculative fiction that is intelligent and character driven. We want writing that appeals to adults, but is accessible to teens as well. We are looking for protagonists that are 17 years or older. Accessible to us means that while violence and sex may be part of the human condition, it does not have to be graphic or pornographic in the telling. We evaluate adult content based on what is crucial to plot or character arc, and edit accordingly.
**Please note: we are a little heavy on fantasy right now, so we're keen on science fiction, steam punk, dark or urban fantasy. We like to see blended, cross genre, and slipstream stuff as well.
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Submissions Guidelines
Meadowhawk Press is currently open for novel submissions, please review the following guidelines closely.
If you've got a completed manuscript you think we'd be interested in, please send a query letter in the body of an email and your first 3 chapters as an attachment (in RTF format) to the address below. Please use proper manuscript formatting*. Don't forget to put the word QUERY and the title of your project in the subject field--we'd hate to accidentally delete your query as spam. If you prefer, you may send us a postal submission.
Keep in mind that we really do read each submission, and it takes time to give each writer their due attention, however, if you do not hear back from us within three months, feel free to follow up. And remember, whatever happens, keep writing. Keep believing.
Address queries to: email submission .
* For further information about manuscript formatting, please refer to the SFWA website
Joanne Anderton ("When the Mountain Weeps") lives in Sydney, Australia, with her husband (who paints) and 2.5 cats (who try to play with the brush). They keep her entertained. She loves speculative fiction and has been making up strange stories for as long as she can remember. When she's forced to step out of her head and interact with the 'real' world, she works in the distribution and marketing side of a small Australian press.
Joanne's writing has appeared in Shadowed Realms, Deep Magic, Flash Me Magazine and Book of Shadows: Vol One. She's also a member of the Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine Co-operative.
F.J. Bergmann ("The Dream Tinker") is mostly from Wisconsin. After exciting previous lives starting Thoroughbreds for the track and illustrating manuals of zoönotic diseases, she currently sells used books, maintains websites and a poem-submission service, PoemFactotum, and has more chickens than is reasonable. She claims to have an MFA from the School of the Americas. While she has been extensively published as a poet, this is only her second short-story publication. Her first published short story, Pale Horse, won the 2006 Mary Shelley Imaginative Fiction contest and was nominated for a Bram Stoker Award.
Susan J Boulton ("All Things Seen") has lived all her life in the English countryside. She is married with two grown up daughters.
Her short story, "Death Won't Be Cheated", was accepted for the third issue of the award-winning magazine, Event Horizon by Mam-Tor Publishing. Her flash fiction story "Aftermath", was published in the first edition of the Australian Anthology, FlashSpec. The story was also among those nominated in the SF short story section for the Aurealis Awards in Queensland, Australia, for 2006.
Nike Bourke, BA(CA), BA(Hons), PhD, ("The Secret Cure") teaches in the creative writing and cultural studies discipline at Queensland University of Technology. In 2000, Nike won the Queensland Premier's Literary Award for Best Emerging Queensland Author for her novel The Bone Flute which was released by UQP in 2001. Her children's book, What the Sky Knows, was published in May 2005 and has been shortlisted for two separate categories in the 2006 Children's Book Council of Australia Awards. Her adult novel, 'The True Green of Hope' was released in August 2005. She has been a ghost writer for a long time, which isn't nearly as exciting and spooky as it sounds. She is also a regular reviewer for the Courier Mail.
She has four children, none of whom have ever been expelled from school, though they have tried.
Mark M. Cagnacci ("A Year by the Lake") grew up in South Africa during the closing years of apartheid, and is currently a student. Touched by Wonder introduces Mark's fiction to print.
Stephanie Campisi's ("The Boomerang Effect") fiction has been published in various venues in the US, the UK, and her native Australia. She divides her time rather unequally between her studies, work, and procrastination.
Terrie Czechowski, ("What the Cat Knew") while born and raised in the States, has spent the last sixteen years living in a small Japanese fishing town. Here she works part time as a counselor, newsletter writer and DJ on a local radio program. Her short stories have appeared in various literary and speculative journals on and offline.
Anthony Kane Evans has had over thirty short stories published in various UK/US/Australian magazines and anthologies. The first appeared in the anthology Signals 3 (London Magazine Editions; 2001), the latest have appeared in The Tusculum Review (US) & Etchings (Australia). When not writing, he produces and directs documentary films on a freelance basis for Danish National Television. Anthony lives in Copenhagen.
Ivan Faute ("A Thing Enclosed") is a doctoral student in the Program for Writers at the University of Illinois at Chicago. His work was chosen as a finalist for The Southeast Review's The World's Best Short Short Story Contest and the Calvino Prize sponsored by the University of Louisville. He is the founder and editor of Uptown Books and serves on the board of the Promethean Theatre Ensemble.
Stefanie Freele ("From Across the River") is a student of the Whidbey Writers Workshop MFA program in Washington and has recently completed her first novel. Her recent credits include South Dakota Review, Westview, Pebble Lake Review, Hobart, and Cafe Irreal. She will have upcoming work in American Literary Review, and Talking River.
R. Thomas Hogg ("Twice in the River") is currently a Ph.D. student in New York City. His stories have appeared in The Fairfield Review, Ascent Aspirations, and Naked Snake. His fantasy novel, Eva, Redux, is currently being prepared for publication with Bohemian Ink Publishing. A long time student of data science, he has also been published in the non-fiction world of the educational technical press, the latest being a treatise on techniques to modernize legacy systems. This cutting edge discipline is becoming much more germane as older applications become deprecated and require modernization to bring them into compliance with newer systems and demands. This and another on Big Data are still in use in many computer science courses.
Robert Holbach has spent far too long at universities to ever intend to leave. A degree in aeronautical engineering, a degree in creative writing, and now work as web editor / copywriter / part time lecturer / freelance translator at a university have convinced him that institutions of education are, by and large, wonderful environments. He's written for student newspapers, German short story anthologies, Flight International magazine, political websites and fun. He intends to write a novel one day, or do another degree or two, or both. He is rather fond of rubber ducks and not too fond of dogs.
Donna Hughes ("Hotel Clapshott") is the nom de plume of K. M. Bullock, writer and illustrator of children's books. Her writing credits include the popular It Chanced To Rain and A Surprise for Mitzi House, both published by Simon & Schuster. She currently lives in the beautiful Pacific Northwest and works as an illustrator for an educational publisher. Her first novel for juveniles, Knobb, has just been completed and she is busy working on a sequel. In addition to her interest in art and writing, she enjoys nothing more than curling up with a good mystery. Her next goal is to write a thriller for young adults, and her mind is plotting away even as she writes this bio.
Gloria Kasselman, ("Monster") is a married mother of two, with more pets than children, and less time at the day spa and salon than she'd like. She has a crush on all things nature. Mountains, in particular, serve as excellent inspiration-the shaggier, the better.
Gloria uses her speculative writing to flirt with her more quixotic side, whether it be love potions, time-crossed romance, or simply voicing the message for the oft-overlooked average guy. Her favorite stories, of course, are the stuff of happy endings.
Kurt Kirchmeier ("Petals") lives and writes in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. His fiction has appeared in Kaleidotrope, Raven Electrick, Reality Complex, Reflection's Edge, and many others.
Lisa A. Koosis ("Atlantis Rising") recently placed second in the Hudson Valley Talespinners competition for 2006 and her winning story, "Identities," was featured in The Poughkeepsie Journal in October 2006. Her short story, "Waltz in E Minor" is scheduled to appear in an upcoming issue of Not One of Us. When she isn't visiting the Universe Next Door in search of story ideas, she resides in New York with her husband, Aron, and their three cats.
Heather Leah ("Life as We Know It") is a student, still wondering what she should do with her life. She practices yoga and meditation, studies history and philosophy, and spends her free time skateboarding and playing video games. Heather's dream is to travel around the country, serving people through volunteer work and random acts of kindness, and writing about the strength and love humanity shows every day.
Susan McElheran ("This Simple Thing") reads her poetry to audiences throughout northern Arizona, as a member of a troop of women poets. Her writing has been published in Snowy Egret, The Pointed Circle, Illumen, and other journals. She lives in Prescott, Arizona.
Corey Mesler ("Scuff Maladicta"), a Pushcart Prize-nominated author, has been a book reviewer (for The Commercial Appeal, BookPage, and The Memphis Flyer), fiction editor, university press sales rep, grant committee judge, father and son. With his wife he owns Burke's Book Store, one of the country's oldest (1875) and best independent bookstores.
Corey's writing has appeared in countless publications, anthologies, and chapbooks. His novel-in-dialogue, Talk, was published by Livingston Press in 2002, with raves from Lee Smith, Robert Olen Butler, Steve Stern, Debra Spark, Suzanne Kingsbury, Frederick Barthelme and John Grisham. His new novel, We are Billion-Year-Old Carbon, is also from Livingston Press.
E.C. Myers ("Fortune Favors the Bold") considers his writing an ongoing experiment in sleep deprivation, the products of which have appeared in various print and online publications such as flashquake, Fictitious Force, and Raven Electrick. He is a graduate of the Clarion West Writers' Workshop and a member of the excellent writing groups, Altered Fluid and Fangs of God.
Michelle R. Rasey lives in the Midwest with her husband, a baby on the way, and two sweetly disobedient dogs. Her work has appeared on,,, and in various regional newspapers.
Readers can find her online at:
Ian Rogers ("Man from the Currents") has been published or has stories forthcoming in Cemetery Dance, Dark Wisdom, All Hallows, and Revelation.He is currently working on his first novel.
Steven Savile has spent the last few years working very hard at becoming an overnight success. He is the author of the Von Carstein Vampire trilogy (Inheritance, Dominion, Retribution) set in Games Workshop's popular Warhammer world, and has re-imagined the bloodthirsty Celtic barbarian Slaine from 2000 AD in a new duology of novels for Black Flame (The Exile, The Defiler). He has also written for Star Wars, Jurassic Park, and four incarnations of The Doctor. Steven also has other Thera stories coming soon; The Song Her Heart Sang, forthcoming in the Solaris Book of Fantasy, and a collection, The Machineries of Silence and Other Stories, on its way in early 2008.
Jacqueline Seewald ("Girl with One Green Eye and Cat") has taught writing courses including Creative Writing at the high school, middle school and college level and has also worked as an academic librarian and educational media specialist. Six of her books of fiction have previously been published. Her short stories, poems, essays, reviews and articles have appeared in numerous publications such as: Sasee, Affaire De Coeur, Lost Treasure, The Christian Science Monitor, Pedestal, Surreal, After Dark, The Dana Literary Society Journal, Palace Of Reason, Library Journal and Publishers Weekly. A new novel, The Inferno Collection, is forthcoming from Five Star/Thomson Gale in hardcover June 2007.
Cathy Strasser is an Occupational Therapist and freelance writer, She has had stories published in several magazines, including the Mom Writer's Literary Magazine, Cabin Life Magazine, The Chrysalis Reader, and several anthologies, including The Literary Bone Volumes I and II and the Silverthought Press Women's Anthology. She is currently working on her first book, "Autism: A Therapist's Journey Toward Enlightenment" describing her experiences working with children with autism which will be published by AAPC in late 2007. Cathy is a member of the New Hampshire Writer's Project and co-founder of the New England Chapter of the National Association of Women Writers. She lives in Sugar Hill, New Hampshire with her husband and two children.
Robin Svedi's ("Yellow Ribbons") short fiction, essays and poetry have been published numerous times in both print and online publications. she is the contributing editor for Fresh Cooking From Your Gaden, a site devoted to her love of cooking and cultivating fresh vegatables. Robin is married to her high school sweetheart and together they've raised two wonderful sons.
Bob Sakayama ("Holy Moly!") lives in New York City where he practices the dark art of search engine optimization. His first novel, Songs Of The Stone, is loosely related to his children's audio series The Growler Tapes and Growler Radio. He also writes code, manages a large number of websites for clients, and develops software used in his search consultancy. He may not actually be a real person, but his children think he is.
David Walton ("Mattie's Cougar") lives near Philadelphia with his wife, Karen, and four children who, even if they added their ages together, still wouldn't be old enough to leave home. His first novel will be out from Meadowhawk Press in 2008. Many of his short stories have appeared in magazines and anthologies, most notably Analog Science Fiction and Fact.
A good novel tells us the truth about its hero; but a bad novel tells us the truth about its author.
~G. K. Chesterton